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Draper Children's Heart Disease Risk

A growing number of Utah children are developing high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and type 2 diabetes which are all risk factors for heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, there is credible evidence that cholesterol buildup in arteries begins in childhood.

A recent Australian study claims that lifestyle changes made before adulthood, such as healthy eating habits, exercise, and weight management are likely to reduce the risk for heart disease later in life.

The three main risk factors for Salt Lake City children in developing high cholesterol are heredity, diet, and obesity. Visit with your Salt Lake City doctor to have your own cholesterol checked to make sure your kids aren’t at risk.

When shopping at your Salt Lake City grocery store, stock up on healthy snacks like nuts, dried fruit, and yogurt. Helping Salt Lake City kids and Sandy make healthy lifestyle choices now prepares them to have healthy lifestyles as adults.

As a health and wellness business owner and Draper children’s advocate, I would love to share more information about children’s nutrition and healthy snacking. Please call or email me today.

supporting parent Melanie Green   (801) 272-5355   Draper
Draper, Utah  zip code 84043
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