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Healthy Draper Pantries For Healthy Draper Kids

Parents in the West Jordan, Draper, and Sandy area want healthy, happy kids, but it can sometimes feel like you’re fighting a losing battle trying to get your kids to eat right.

One way to ensure your family makes good food choices is to shop and stock your pantry with healthy food in mind. Before you head out to your local Salt Lake City super market, sit down and make a healthy shopping list. Even if you are confident that you know what you need, taking the time to write it out will help you plan meals, make healthy choices, and avoid impulse buys.

Once you are in the store, stick to your list and pick up the healthy items first. Fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, and dairy are usually located around the perimeter of West Jordan, Draper, and Sandy super markets, so circle the store first before you head to the processed and preserved foods in the center aisles.

Your pantry should be stocked with healthy staples for meals your kids will eat. Make sure that your kids can easily get to healthy, quick snacks like nuts, whole-grain crackers, and dried fruit.

And don’t forget the fridge! Healthy snacks should be at eye-level for your children. Sliced fruit, bite-sized veggies, yogurt, string cheese, berries, and other fresh foods are great snack options for healthy, active (and busy!) Draper kids.

I’m Melanie Green and children’s health is very important to me. I am the owner of a home business in Draper that sells community. If you are in the Salt Lake City area and are interested in learning more, or want to order community, call me today at (801) 272-5355, or visit my web site at