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Probiotics For The Prevention Of Eczema In Draper

If your Draper kiddos scratch and claw at their skin because they suffer from children’s eczema you might consider including more probiotics in their diet.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that promote the growth of friendly microflora in the intestines. Some probiotic powerhouses you can find in your favorite Draper grocery store are yogurt, kefir, and kimchi.

Probiotics support digestive health in a number of ways. They have been shown to prevent diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and help reduce the symptoms of eczema.

Safe and natural probiotics can be an effective weapon in your eczema arsenal. Draper dermatologists and Salt Lake City pediatricians also recommend washing your tot’s clothing with mild detergents, using humidifiers, and bathing them with mild soap and then letting their skin completely dry.

My name is Melanie Green and I am a proud support meetings representative. I also campaign for children’s health in Draper, Salt Lake City, and the surrounding areas. If you would like more information about children’s health topics or my community business, contact me today!

Melanie Green
Draper, Utah 84043
(801) 272-5355

caring for you when you need it the most