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Can Texting Help Draper Kids Eat Healthier?

Hello Draper parents. I ran across an article in Women’s Day magazine with some creative suggestions for helping children lose weight and develop sensible eating habits. (‘Is My Child Too Heavy,’ Women’s Day, June 2011, p. 102)

If you are one of the many Draper parents who is worried about your child’s weight, you might find these helpful:

  1. Have kids help you prepare meals. If they prepare healthy dishes, they are more likely to eat them.
  2. Encourage volunteering. ‘Boredom often goes hand-in-hand with overeating, volunteering keeps them busy and boosts self-esteem.’
  3. Limit eating to the kitchen table. Mindlessly snacking while watching TV or playing video games can add a significant amount of calories.
  4. Text a food journal. Handy texters (doesn’t that include every kid over the age of 12?) can more easily track their eating with the device they always have with them.

Draper children’s health is a priority for me. I am supporting parent Melanie Green of Draper. I sell a nutritional product that kids eat like candy. My Draper customers use community as a healthy treat for the whole family. To order community, call me at (801) 272-5355.