Share Parents
of Utah
Providing service and support for grieving parents and siblings after the death of a baby.
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We Are Here For You
Share Parents’ primary purpose is to provide service and support to grieving parents and siblings at the time of and following the death of a baby. We engage at any stage of child loss including miscarriage, stillbirth,or infant death.
Our secondary purpose is to provide information, education and resources on the needs and rights of bereaved parents and siblings as a new normal becomes more tangible over the years that follow a loss.
We are here for you.

Welcome To Attend
Anyone who has lost a baby to miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, newborn death, and SIDS is welcome to attend a Support Meeting, as well as any support people you would like to have attend.
Due to the nature of topics discussed, we request that only adults attend the meetings. If you’re not certain you’re ready to attend a meeting, please contact us or get on our mailing list to remind you about upcoming meetings.
Join us at our monthly support group meetings and connect with other parents who have suffered a similar loss. Find us on Facebook here.

Stages of Grieving
Meetings have an assigned topic (i.e. suggestions to help get conversations flowing). We’re always willing to discuss any topic that helps you with your grieving journey. You’re welcome to bring pictures of your angel baby.
Topic: Stages of Grief
Topic: Friends & Family
Topic: Memories
Topic: Handling the Holidays

How to Help
We want to give you the opportunity to help our local charity that serves our local community. In order for Share to effectively support a family, there are several hard costs involved.
For example, $50 literally ensures that Share can support one family immediately after their loss of their child with tangible items (i.e. printed support-materials, keepsakes for siblings and plaster-molds of the baby’s hands and feet).
Your potential support is critically important for Share Parents.
Share Parents of Utah is committed to providing community support and training to medical professionals to encourage compassionate bereavement care.
We offer in-service trainings to help establish bereavement protocol and train staff. If you’re interested in having Share Parents of Utah help with in-service trainings, email us at
Share Parents of Utah is a registered 501C-3 non-profit organization, supported solely by private donations. We are a local community charity that services the entire Salt Lake Valley ).
Share’s mission is to provide on-going support to bereaved families who have been devastated by the tragic death of a baby through early pregnancy loss, stillbirth or newborn death. Many parents find that it helps to talk with another parent who has experienced the loss of a baby – someone who can listen, understand, and be able to identify with some of their feelings.
Connect With Friends
We have been here, too. We understand your feelings and can help you cope with mourning.

Meet With Us
We have regular meetings and all are welcome to join. We look forward to spending time with you. We want to help you heal.
Community Support
We have a wide range of support and can help you connect with the right people for the right needs. We know you are unique, and we want to help you find peace in your way.

Complete this form to contact us.
Your contributions make it possible for local families to receive the support they need from parents who understand.
Our professionally trained volunteers make these services available FREE of charge. If your family has been touched by Share or if you know someone who needs our help, please consider making a contribution.
Donations can be made in memory of a baby or other loved one, in honor of a special someone, or to commemorate a special occasion. Help Share continue its mission of helping bereaved families heal. Check or Cash donations accepted.
Click HERE for a printable donation form.
Every time a baby dies in the Salt Lake Valley (28 per month on average) a Share representative goes out to the hospital and meets personally with the devastated families (within hours); timing to make this initial connection is critical.
Many times families request plaster hand-and-foot-molds so that they have something tangible to remember their baby by. Talking with others who have suffered a pregnancy loss is very helpful (i.e. Hospital In-Service).
Anyone who has lost a baby is welcome to call Share Parents of Utah and/or attend support group meetings. Just knowing that your experience is valid and that you are not alone can be very beneficial in working through your grief.
Thank you for helping Share Parents of Utah serve and support local families in need.